Monday, November 12, 2007

Day 2

A nice sleep in... well until 07:00 anyway! We took it easy this morning as we fly in the afternoon. We headed out to the "B" Flight Line as we will swap both early and late slots and flight lines each day.

Dez was first up and had a very solid flight in strong blow out conditions. He held the distance quite well and was one of the best flights I have seen him do. Dez seemed pleased with the flight.

I was up next and had a so so flight in my opinion. I blew the spin... ya haven't done that in years... sheesh and tried hard to fight the wind. More speed would have made a much better presentation.
Sound check on the Twister

Lot's of people had trouble with the wind and this made for some exiting takeoffs and landings. One fellow was half way though his routine when his radio connection failed (for unknown reasons) and his plane went in hard. Sad to see anytime.

Here he talks with the officials as they try and determine cause.

Chad had a great flight but didn't seem to get the scores that I thought he deserved. The humpty bump earned a 9 from one judge and a 4 from another??? He was happy with the flight but not the scores... total point spread was 144 ouch... such is life sometimes.
The Argentinian Marcello Columbo is one of the local favourites and drew a large audience of flyers.

Canada now sits in 11th place overall so we have to pick up the pace.